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Friday, 29 August 2014

Paper Crocodile. How to recycle toilet rolls for your children's craft projects.

So my daughter had this topic about the Ancient Egypt. We had to make amongst other things a Crocodile out of recycled materials (paper, fabric, anything) 

And as the news for this project was delivered the night before the teacher needed it we had to quickly come up with something. Here I share the step by step of how we made it.

You will need 3 spare toilet rolls, PVA glue, scissors, pen and paint.

How to make a Crocodile from toilet rolls.
1. Draw The outline for teeth and jaw on both sides of the roll.

Draw the jaw and teeth outline on both sides.
2. Cut out.

Cut out following the lines.
3. Draw the eyes on both sides.

Head ready
4. Outline the spine scales.

5. Cut out the outlined shapes.

6. Outline and cut the feet shapes.

7. Apply PVA glue on the inside of the head end. Join two parts of the body.

8. The body of the Crocodile is finished. Needs tail!

9. Draw and cut out the tail shape using the third roll.

10. Glue in place.

11. Leave to dry for an hour and paint in several shades of green, brown, terracota and yellow. We added some dark green glitter glue.

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